Will the Real Party of Social Justice Please Stand Up?

So, after "Brexit" and all the ensuing hue and cry, here in the UK we are finally getting a new Prime Minister. After David Cameron's resignation later today, Theresa May will go boldly where only Margaret Thatcher has gone before her by becoming the second female Prime Minister of our green and pleasant land. Indeed, it seems that May wants to usher in something of a new era for the Conservative Party, and has spoken of being that much fabled of things, a "One Nation" Tory. As such, it seems she wants to create a land of social justice, where opportunity is open to all, not just the privileged few, and  where things like tax avoidance and evasion by large corporations are scorned and tackled with an iron fist. But, hold on a minute, before we get carried away here, this is Theresa May isn't it? That would be the same Theresa May who was previously Home Secretary and, as part of the last cabinet, oversaw some of the most divisive and destructive policies to have ever been implemented by any UK government. The same government that has seen the rise of the food bank, the stagnation or reduction of wages, the spreading of the zero hours contract and the corresponding shrinkage of workers' rights, not to mention its ongoing zeal to privatise more or less everything, cut funding to public services and thereby create crises in social housing, social care, the NHS, education and mental health. In the light of all that, is it really possible that May can stand there, with a straight face, and profess that actually, her party is the real party of social justice?
At the previous general election, Ed Miliband made similar appeals, but was roundly vilified in the press and generally made out to be some kind of left-wing radical, which he decidedly was not. The upshot was, though, that so-called "red" Ed lost the election and then scarpered seemingly as fast as he could. In stark contrast, the media has yet to tackle May about her new position and its jarringly evident contradiction to the reality of Tory governance, and she is, by most accounts, reported to be a statesman-like, calming character - something which our nation sorely needs at this moment of historical import and turbulence.
Meanwhile, in much the same way as Ed Miliband, Jeremy Corbyn is raked over the coals for being of the "hard left", for his style of dress, for his lack of leadership skills. But does anyone really listen to what he's saying? While May is allowed to concentrate on policy, Corbyn is left defending his position as leader of the Labour Party, seemingly facing a challenge from most of the PLP. It doesn't appear to matter to the media or the public that May might be something of a hypocrite, but it does seem to matter what colour tie Corbyn wears. Nor does it seem of any importance to them that Corbyn is by far the more sincere and principled person with a proven record of fighting for a fairer society.
So, as the Conservatives steal Labour's clothes, the Labour Party itself is said to be "in turmoil", and with the media's seeming inability to point out the hypocrisy in May's position, and with an electorate who seem, at best, misled, at worst, unable to remember one day to the next, it may as well be as if the last six years never happened. And, of course, we all know that the "real" party of social justice is the Conservative Party.


bazza said…
One wonders what would have happened if, say, Herman Goerring had been put in charge of Hospitals, Foreign Aid, Infant Nurture etc. Would he have turned into a charming, caring servant of the people? I doubt it.
So the question is, like it or not, we are currently stuck with Mrs May: what will she become?
(So much seems to have happened in the short time since you wrote this David!)
CLICK HERE for Bazza’s fabulous Blog ‘To Discover Ice’
David said…
HI bazza,
Sorry for taking so long to reply. And so much does seem to have happened since I wrote this post. Apparently there was a rather witty cartoon in one of the broadsheets just after the Brexit vote, where two politics students are asking each other which periods in history they'll be studying, and one of them replies, "It's a three year course and we'll be covering last Thursday to this Monday". So, a week is indeed a long time in politics it would seem.
I don't altogether dislike Theresa May, but I just find her position as regards social inequality rather disingenuous, given that over the last six years such things, under Tory governance and their policy of Austerity, have gotten worse, not better. To suddenly proclaim that you are going to cure the country of such ills when you have been largely responsible for creating them seems to me an absurd and amazing claim. That seemingly no one in the media has brought this up is equally gobsmacking to me. But, as you say, we wait with bated breath to see what actually transpires.
Thanks for your interest bazza.
Best Wishes,
klahanie said…
Greetings David,

After our chat on the phone, I decided to try and take my mind of a certain situation by checking out your government-type article.

After reading your post, I contemplate as to whether, "the nasty party", under the leadership of Theresa May, can suddenly appear to be the party of social justice. A lot of hypocrisy and backtracking is the norm in politics.

A general election should really be called in lie of the fact that a number of voters may well have voted for their local MP because, for some reason, beyond my comprehension, they liked David Cameron. Of course, trouble is, with the Labour party in such disarray, the Conservatives might well end of with an overwhelming majority if a snap election was called.

David, I haven't clue what I just typed.

All the beast, um, all the best, David.

David said…
Hi Gary,
Thanks you for your comment and I hope you're feeling a little better.
As you say, it is questionable whether the traditional party of the right, with its policy of austerity which has seen many unfairly marginalised, can suddenly become the party of social justice. Only yesterday I saw that the Tories had described the practices of the company, "Deliveroo", who were paying some of their employees less than minimum wage, as belonging to a Victorian era which had no place in modern Britain. Only thing is, they have created the very economic environment which has led to such practices. It gobsmacks me that no one in the media is pointing out this glaring fact, and, if no one does, it seems the "nasty party" will simply get away with all the harm and damage they have caused to many lives. Bugger!
Anyway, Gare, I'm glad that you feel that you are able to speak with me about any issues which may be bothering you, and I would welcome your calls anytime. Meanwhile, I sincerely hope that the bureaucratic balls up you've been subjected to gets sorted out fairly quickly.
All the best,
klahanie said…
Thanks for your reply comment, David. Theresa May has a chimney sweep job lined up for you. There's a lot of dodgy companies out there who treat their employees like crap. I make no mention of another delivery company named, Amazon.

I appreciate your supportive words and our phone call. Cheers and talk soon.


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