Here Comes the Summer.

It's approaching the end of May now, and here in little, old Eng-er-land it seems that finally we're getting some decent weather. Temperatures are now reaching up to 26 degrees Celsius, which may not sound like much to some, but to us it's a little slice of heaven, probably because we've had some  most bizarre conditions of late. As Gary over at his site, klahanie (see link on the right of this page) reports, April was the wettest since records began, although at the same time we were officially in a drought. I even heard one weather reporter say that we were getting the "wrong type" of rain to alleviate this situation. Just how do you get the "wrong type" of rain? Also, to say that our climate is inconsistent is perhaps an understatement. I went out for lunch with a friend yesterday and she said that only a couple of days ago the temperature in her car was 2 degrees Celsius, whereas yesterday it was 22. Maybe this is all to do with climate change, but it seems that in England we don't seem to have a climate at all, rather just "weather".
But, as I say, things are seeming to improve. The weather was wonderfully hot and sunny yesterday, and it seems we're in for more of the same today. Just how long this will last I don't know, but we might as well enjoy it while we can.
So, in this short blog (for me, anyway), I'll just say that, at last, the Summer seems to have arrived. London is, of course, hosting the Olympic Games this year, so maybe we'll be having some decent weather for that. And, incidentally, the torch is going to pass through jolly, old  Stoke-on-Trent on 30th and 31st May.
This patch of sunshine may be fleeting, then, but I think we'll all be making the most of it. On the other hand, no doubt, after complaining about the rain and cold in our own inimitable English fashion, some will probably begin to moan about it being too hot!  



Dixie@dcrelief said…
Hi David!
Just today I was looking at a photo gallery of people sunning at a London park. I hope the great weather will last; get out there and live it up.

Oh, there's no such thing as global warming; the powers that be have had to retract the deception. You see it is the sun that has warmed, not the earth. My extensive research many years back has been most revealing. In fact we are in line for a an ice age. The sun is warming us up! Humans are not the reason for climate change... unless you research how the army and some corporate companies seed clouds and such. You want rain, sign a contract! You want a hurricane, sign the dotted line. $$$

Oh well, off the soap box now; enjoy yourself David! Happy tanning,

klahanie said…
Dear David,
Ah yes indeed, pleasant weather, sunny days and you showing off your bronzed body to your startled neighbours!
And the torch is going through Stoke. I do so hope you have been selected as a celebrity runner.
Oh man, it's just way too hot!
All the best and talk soon.
bazza said…
Hi David. I just got back from Ghent where we had five days of 29c weather (and some rather fine beer!) Enjoy the sunshine!
Click here for Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’
David said…
Hi Dixie,
Yes, I will be getting out there tanning my as yet milky white limbs. Hopefully this will last and we'll have a good Summer.
Thanks Dixie,
David said…
Dear Gary,
Of course I have been selected to carry the Olympic flame through Stoke-on-Trent. My fame as an anti-stigma campaigner, of course, preceeds me!
Thanks Gary. Speak to you soon.
David said…
Hi bazza,
Ah, beer and sunshine. The perfect combination, methinks.
Glad you had a good time in Ghent.
Best Regards,

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