Dave's Progress. Chapter 57: Hollywood Here I Come (Again), Part II: Not This Time

This is just a brief post to say that we at The Pathways Group (a recovery group run by my local residential unit for those who have experienced long term mental ill health, usually with diagnoses of either schizophrenia or bipolar disorder) have been told that our plans to make another short film about our experiences may not be able to go ahead for some time, if at all. This is a great disappointment to all of us at the group, as our first film, "The Search" (the story of the making and screening of which you can read in my posts "Hollywood Here I Come, Parts I, II and III", respectively) was received with a great deal of enthusiasm by many and, indeed, may be going on to be used as an educational tool in Scotland.
So, just why are we unable to go ahead with the making of our new film? Well, as far as I know, the reasons seem to be mainly financial. Despite fitting the criteria for a council grant, we cannot find anywhere to actually put the money, and one must have a bank account in order to receive the loan. It would, on the surface, appear to be a simple matter of opening a bank account, but because of regulations about who, exactly, is allowed to do this, we find ourselves in something of a rut. We had hoped that The Media Action Group for Mental Health would help us in this matter, but in an environment of such economic uncertainty, even they have had to refuse us.
So, Hollywood here I come (again)? Not this time, I'm afraid. And instead of an exciting trilogy of blogs, all you're going to get is this paltry diptych. I do apologise!
That's all for now from your normal, average delusional and paranoid man.


Dixie@dcrelief said…
Dear David,
Hold out, and hold on with hope in your heart! Your never know... things can change in the blink of an eye or aye!
As an artist having painted many diptychs in my life, a triptych is only a few strokes away. Just as the right 'strokes' (signature) on a piece of paper could have your funds at your fingertips.
Stay positive!

Most Sincerely,
David said…
Dear Dixie,
As you say, "hope springs eternal", I suppose, and the film, in the end, may well get made. For the time being, though, it is most definitely on the back burner. Still, all it takes is a signature, as you say, so I,m definitely holding on "with hope in my heart" and staying positive!
Thank you for such a supportive comment.
Yours with Very Best Wishes,
klahanie said…
Dear David,
Like Dixie alludes too; hold on and you never know what might transpire.
If you have the passion, the determination, the resilience, which I know you and no doubt, the rest of the 'Pathways Group' do; I envision that you may still have a positive outcome.
Hollywood still awaits yee.
Wishing you all the best with this.
With respect, Gary
David said…
Dear Gary,
Thanks for your good wishes.
As both you and Dixie say, if we persist the film may eventually happen. It's just that, with one of our CPN's being in charge of the financial side of things, our influence also is limited.
Still, with luck you should be alble to see another normal, average paranoid and delusional man production in due course.
Thanks for your support, Gary, it means a lot.
Yours with Very Best Wishes,
Anonymous said…
hope to see your film soon. the human psyche interests me. well chosen theme!
David said…
Dear Smita,
Thank you for your comment and for following my little blog.
As I say in my post, the film may not get made any time soon, but we all hope that sometime in the future the resources can be found.
Yours with Very Best Wishes,

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