Dave's Progress. Chapter 53: So Here it is- Once More.

At the risk of repeating myself ad infinitum and becoming a bore, I ask the same question I did last year and, come to think of it, the year before that. While my lack of originality may be beginning to grate, I am simply going to say, once again- so here it is, Merry Christmas, every body's havin' fun, or are they?
While we all know what Christmas is supposed to represent; a time of peace, love and mercy, of both giving and receiving, but mostly giving, one can't help but see what it has become- an exercise in mindless materialism, a symptom of commercialism gone crazy.
But maybe I am too cynical. Perhaps, for many, the true message of Christmas remains, despite the fact that before it's had the chance to say "hello", it's already saying "buy buy". Anyway, it's still, whatever it is now, a far cry from when some of the older generation of my family were young, when, as children, all they received was an apple, an orange, and a sugar mouse, but, as they often said, were happy with that. Now it would seem that only the most expensive of gifts are satisfactory, and there is an "I must have" mentality, all driven by an underlying, voracious consumerism.
Indeed, despite apparently "having more" than in days gone by, are we really any happier? As the older generation of my family would attest, it appears not, and I have sometimes spoken in this blog about the (something of a celebrity) psychiatrist Oliver James, who sees all the competitive consumerism embodied by advanced capitalism as one of the main reasons why, in the developed West, we are still, seemingly, so chronically unhappy.
Which kind of brings me back to my question and the main point of this post, which is that Christmas, particularly for those experiencing mental ill health, can be, not one of the happiest, but one of the loneliest and alienating times of year. While those more fortunate all gather with friends and family, those who remain isolated because of their illnesses would seem to want to do nothing more than pull the duvet cover over their heads and wait until all the fuss has died down. So to them, the masses and multitudes of the lonely and isolated, I wish an easier and hopefully not too unhappy a time.
On a much lighter note, I wish all of you who read this blog a very Merry Christmas, and hope you continue to find at least something of interest here. In particular, I would thank and wish a very positive Christmas and New Year to DC Relief and Klahanie, who very kindly seem never to fail in leaving me kind, thoughtful, warm and inspirational comments.
So, I certainly hope, despite my earlier question, that you're all havin' fun!
That's all for now from your normal, average, delusional and paranoid man.


klahanie said…
Dear David,
This blog kinda' reminds of the lyrics to a 'Beatles' song, 'you say hello and I say buy buy..'(or something like that).
Seriously, you do raise that ongoing issue for those with mental health concerns, the isolated, the lonely.
In a way, the 'festive season' can really 'rub the noses' of those in such a plight.
Which is why, when I can, I do my best to interact with those less fortunate than myself, during this alleged 'festive season'. This has been empowering and has helped me face, what will most likely be, a Christmas day of isolation yet joyous reflection of how much I have progressed.
Dave, thanks for your acknowledgement. You are, and continue to be, an inspiration to me. Here's wishing you a happy 'Boxing Day Eve', sorry Christmas, and a peaceful, positive 2010.
With very best regards, Gary.
David said…
Dear Gary,
Thanks as ever for your kind remarks. As Boxing Day Eve approaches I think we can perhaps both congratulate ourselves on how far we've progressed with our respective "issues". And by helping out others at this sometimes wonderful, sometimes isolating time, you reflect the true meaning of Christmas.
Wishing you a peaceful and positive Christmas and New Year,
From your friend,
David said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dixie@dcrelief said…
Dear David,

Thank you for the ongoing positive interaction we share. I am always grateful for a perspective of truth; your blog never fails to satisfy. Thank you for the ‘mention’. In this season of autumn becoming winter, make what you choose from the festive ideas. We are not chained to another’s definition, of a singular title or event, for celebration.

My long research has uncovered unsavory agendas behind the “festive foray,” yet it is difficult to get others to have a look. Some feel threatened by the truth. In blindness they would continue. That same blindness blinds them to seeing the alienation they force on others. If you’re not in the loop of the season, you get left behind. “Christmas” it self has been called, at times, the cruelest of holidays. It will feed greed before it feeds love. Why? The foundation is not based on what most think it to be. Surely it’s not a lie if the holiday is almost three months different from the actual birth date? Surely all of that can be placed aside, as long as it’s about “the spirit within”?

David it is the ‘spirit of truth’ that guides your writing this article. Holiday or no holiday, people have needs. When I and others choose to ignore those needs, it is at our own peril, as the action might be repaid. Some call that “karma”. Do we have a “Christmas Karma?” One day… do the lonely and destitute get to have a holiday where they can ignore everyone, who celebrated before, but forgot them?

I close with “Merry Christmas” and a “Happy New Year” of 2010. I can only hope that my ‘personal opinions’ lend you an occasional laugh.

Yours in peace,
David said…
Dear Dixie,
Thank you for your lovlely (and very long) comment.
I'm glad that you see my writing as some approximation of "the truth". All I know is I write what I think- I tell it how I see it, in other words, and it is great to be able to share with considerate and kind people such as your good self.
There is a saying, which comes from a British Labour politician, I think, which goes, "this is my truth, tell me yours", and I am glad to be able to read about your own brave, inspiring journey towards "your truth".
Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas and a Peaceful and Positive New Year,
Unknown said…
The dialog I see on this page shows me that the values I grew up with persist, but the times do not. However, at this season of good will we should not forget the unhappy and stressed individuals whose ambition,greed,and ruthlessness have made our well-equipped hospitals, and other complex benefits, our schools (some of them anyway), and systems that enable relative peace to be enjoyed in the democratic countries, what they are to-day.

Sorry, I haven't opened the wine yet honest.

I live happily alone (should there be a comma somewhere?)in a house that would be condemned in N.Europe, with 8/10 cats, have put in water, electricity, and even a couple of floors, in 3 years, on a basic UK pension. My parents were comfortably off, hard-working farmers who didn't talk very much. Modern people have been taught to want things they don't need so that commerce can bribe the politicians to encourage the cycle. We who are out of this perhaps, and can be grateful for it.

Perhaps it makes it hard to even want to relate to a world so corrupt and greedy, while living among the most fortunate. Sorry for hijacking your post Dave. Take care, Bob
David said…
Dear Bob,
Far from hijacking my post, I would like you to feel free to comment anytime. I certainly take on board all you say.
Looking forward to hearing from you again and than you for "following" my blog.
Dixie@dcrelief said…
Hi David,
My previous comment was written during a complicated moment and makes absolutely no sense to me at this time.
My sincere regret,

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