Me and My Big Mouth.
Firstly, apologies to my hordes of adoring fans for not posting anything over the Christmas and New Year period. I'm afraid, once again, that putting finger to keyboard seemed to become a burdensome task, fraught with anxieties about what to, or what not to, write. So, this time, instead of writing about writing, as I've done before when inspiration failed me, I thought I'd talk about... talking; for talking, particularly in terms of mental health, seems a matter of extreme importance. For instance, I can personally attest to the therapeutic value of opening up and talking about one's feelings, instead of locking them away and allowing them to fester. After many years of failing to communicate my thoughts and feelings successfully, I think I finally began to express my frustrations in a more productive way, simply by saying what was on my mind. I don't think it's any mystery or mistake that the condition of my mind significantly improved as I did this. Indeed,...