A Couple of Months is a Long Time in Blogland.
It seems like a veritable age since I wrote my last blog. Indeed, it's coming up to around two months since I last put finger to keyboard. So what, I hear you all ask with eager anticipation, has provoked such an unusually long hiatus? Well, for a start, I seem to have hit a period of writer's block. I simply cannot think of what to write. And, as I once wrote a blog about not being able to write (entitled "Writer's Blog"), I can't even write about that! So once again I trawled the Internet for possible subjects. My main topic of mental health was again in the news recently, with the revelation that doctors were sectioning patients not because of clinical need, but just so as to get them hospital treatment. This apparent impingement of rights was being done because professionals could see no other way to get patients treatment in an otherwise over-burdened service. It was a good story about a system pushed to the brink ...