Dave's Progress. Chapter 79: Understanding What Happens.
I am writing this post in response to a comment left on my last blog by " corfubob ". He stated, "people do not readily believe anything can go wrong with the mind, even in some cases when it happens to them. 'It's all in the mind', others say, meaning 'not real'... Help us all understand what happens". For some reason this comment resonated with me. I hope that this blog has gone some way to explicating what happens when things somehow "go wrong" with the mind, but I would still like to give some explanation of what I know about such illnesses. Perhaps it will be better if I stick to my own condition, namely schizophrenia, as I am certainly not an expert on all mental health conditions and have done most research in to my own illness. As far as I know, most mental health conditions are either "reactive", meaning that they occur due to the impact of some trauma or event, or "endogenous", meaning that they simply come...